Your fees and financial aid are partly based on your academic program and the number of credit hours for which you register.
For more information on financial aid and your tuition and fees, visit these other sites:
If you believe there is a discrepancy with your tuition and/or fees, follow these steps to resolve it:
If you believe there is a discrepancy with the financial aid you have been awarded, follow these steps to resolve the issue:
The UMKC refund policy is based on the date of official withdrawal from classes.
Refunds for courses that do not meet during the regular session (weekend courses, abbreviated courses) are prorated based on the length of the course and the date of withdrawal.
If you receive a refund that you believe you should not have received, check your class schedule or contact the Cashiers Office.
See the academic calendar for specific dates each semester.
Classes are not automatically canceled for nonpayment.
It is the responsibility of all students to withdraw from classes if they will not be attending the semester. If a student withdraws from classes, he or she may still owe the university full or partial fees in accordance with the UMKC fee refund policy.
When a student totally withdraws from all of his or her classes, there is a certain percentage of aid that UMKC is required to return due to federal regulations regarding the return of Title IV funds. The amount UMKC is required to return may exceed the student’s credit balance for withdrawing from classes making the student owe a balance to UMKC.
Registration and Records is authorized to make exceptions in the application of the refund policy in unusual and extreme circumstances.
Official Exceptions to the Refund Policy
Requests for exceptions must be submitted online through the Petition for Exception to the Fee Refund Policy.
Missouri statute section 173.1110 requires the University to verify "covered students" who are receiving financial aid are U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or are lawfully present in the United States.
Covered students are defined as those students who are:
The statute provides that the following documents may be used to document a "covered student" receiving financial aid is a U.S. citizen, permanent resident or is lawfully present in the United States:
Scan the document and attach it to an email from your UMKC email account.
Send the email to Registration and Records at
Fax the document to (816) 235-5513.
Make sure to include your full name and student ID number on the Fax.
Bring the original document or a photocopy to Registration and Records in room 115 of the Administrative Center.
Mail a photocopy of the document to:
Registration and Records
UMKC Administrative Center, room 115
5115 Oak Street
Kansas City, MO 64112